www.jongresportal.blogspot.com is made dedicated to all my friends in the Philippines and Abroad.You will find here some pictures,stories and videos years ago. You can also send posts and pictures here! So keep posted friends!

Eds Debut - July 4, 1999

by eds | 9/16/2008 09:24:00 pm in |

Eds Debut July 4, 1999

Our very first pictorial! This was taken during my debut year 1999. From top to bottom clockwise - allyn, Ria, Kristine, Lou, Cristina, Jean Grace, Eds. I wonder why Imelda was not included in this picture. She might be absent or worse "Jumongre". That means dating!  We are all "Single" that time. Obvious ba? Take notice of those shy smiles and conscious pose.

Let me remember what we did then. Hmmm.. We go to N.E. Pacific Mall, eat at Jolibee then watch movie. Can't remember if the movie we watched was a movie team-up of Dayanara Tores and Cesar Montano. But I think that's the right movie.

That's how I've celebrated my Debut. No one's there but these girls in the picture. Actually, celebrating 18th Birthday really doesn't mean having this cutillon or doesn't require grand entrance in a massive spiral stair like a Princess and preparing lots of expensive meals for everyone. That's really absurd especially when its not really needed. Going to age like that does not require grand celebration. For me, I'm fortunate enough to spend it with my close friends even in a simple way. It counts anyway! Look at us? Still strong and friends with one another up to now.

